January 11-15, 2021 Events
All January, 2021 events will be remote with most events being live online through Zoom, and other events being on-demand through recorded sessions from earlier ARC sessions or through LinkedIn Learning. All live online events and all ARC recorded events are free for anyone who is interested. LinkedIn Learning sessions are available to 小9直播 instructors, staff, and students only and participants need to activate their WSU-provided LinkedIn Learning account first.
All live online events can be accessed without pre-registration, although we strongly encourage all 小9直播 instructors and staff to sign up for the event throught myTraining in the myWSU portal to ensure your attendance is counted. All 小9直播 instructors with verified attendance will receive a digital certificate for each session provided through Instructional Design and Access.
All live online sessions will be recorded, and links to the recordings will be available here as soon as they ready.
Need a key for your physical room? Here's our training schedule.
- LinkedIn Learning Challenge: . 1 hour and 46 minute class. (Must activate your WSU LinkedIn Learning account first.)
- 9:00am-9:50am: Meet the New Master Classroom with Ryan Corcoran.
- Video version of ""
- PowerPoint slides for "meet the new master classroom" (in PDF)
- 10:00am-10:50am: Introduction to Panopto with Taylor Moore.
- 11:00am-11:50am: Intermediate Panopto with Taylor Moore.
- Noon-12:50pm: Academic Integrity in the Remote Classroom Panel Discussion. ARC Big Read Topic Session: Chapter 4. Moderator: Brandy Jackson. Panelists include Debbi Lehner
- 1:00pm-2:00pm: Leveraging Your Synchronous Class Time with Carolyn Speer.
- 2:00pm-3:00pm: Better Student Engagement and Learning in Online Synchronous (eg: Zoom) Classes with Carolyn Speer.
- 3:00pm-3:50pm: Work/Life Balance for Faculty with Geri Markova.
- 4:00pm-4:50pm: Proctoring Options at 小9直播 with Mark Porcaro.
- 5:00pm-5:50pm: Lightning Session #1: Honesty Pledges, The Blackboard Phone App, the Panopto Phone App. Speakers: Carolyn Speer and Taylor Moore
- LinkedIn Learning Challenge: . 1 hour and 15 minute class. (Must activate your WSU LinkedIn Learning account first.)
- 9:00am-11:00am: Microsoft Teams Essentials with Ali Levine. (MyTraining sign-up is required for this session. This session is a suggested prerequisite for Friday's workshop "Using Microsoft Teams to Teach.") There is no Zoom link for this session because you will receive it via email after you sign up in MyTraining.
- 9:00am-Noon: New GTA Onboarding. Mandatory for new GTAs, optional for GTA coordinators and other
interested parties. Speakers include Kerry Wilks and Carolyn Speer.
- Carolyn's PowerPoint for GTA Onboarding
- Establishing Authority
- Constructive Grading
- Imposter Syndrome
- Presence in Your Course
- Disruptions in Class
- Panopto
- Zoom
- Blackboard
- Get a key for physical class media box/resources
- Templates you can use to speed Blackboard setup
- IDA@wichita.edu for help when you don't know where to go
- Helpdesk@wichita.edu for passwords and software questions
- Link to the University's standardized syllabus template
- Omnibus list of all possible things you could want, just in case!
- 9:00am-9:50am: Meet the New MRC LightBoard Studios with John Jones.
- Video version of
- 10:00am-10:50am: Advanced Panopto with Taylor Moore.
- 11:00am-11:50am: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID19 with Dr. Lindsey Backer-Fulghum. CAPS programming.
- 11:00am-11:50am: Copyright Considerations with Jessica Pierpoint and Maria Sclafani.
- Noon-12:50pm: Faculty Retention Fellows Panel Discussion. ARC Big Read Topic Session: Chapter 10. Moderator: Moriah Beck with panelists from the Retention Fellows.
- 1:00pm-1:50pm: Helping Troubled Students with Dr. Selena Jackson. CAPS programming.
- 2:00pm-2:50pm: Introduction to Blackboard (with updates for the new SaaS environment) with Mary Morriss.
- 3:00pm-3:50pm: Fostering an environment for Graduate Student Wellness and Mental Health with Kerry Wilks, Jessica Provines, and joining us from the Graduate College at Missouri State University is , Associate Dean.
- 4:00pm-4:50pm: Using the Blackboard Grade Center with Carolyn Speer
- 5:00pm-5:50pm: Lightning Round #2: Who Can Help Me?, How to Order Captions for Panopto, Remote Teaching Checklist. Speakers include Carolyn Speer and Taylor Moore.
- LinkedIn Learning Challenge: . 46 minute class. (Must activate your WSU LinkedIn Learning account first.)
- 9:00am-11:00am: Microsoft Teams Advanced with Ali Levine. (MyTraining sign-up is required for this session. This session is a suggested prerequisite for Friday's workshop "Using Microsoft Teams to Teach.")
- 9:00am-9:50am: Instructional Video: Devices and Planning with John Hammer.
- 10:00am-10:50am: Instructional Video: Staging and Editing with John Hammer.
- 11:00am-11:50am: Teaching About Politically Controversial Topics with Neal Allen.
- Noon-12:50pm: Suicide Prevention and the WeSupportU Program Panel Discussion. Partnership programming with CAPS.
- 1:00pm-1:50pm: Supporting Students' Metacognition with Moriah Beck. ARC Big Read Topic Session: Chapter 5
- 2:00pm-2:50pm: Intermediate Blackboard (with updates for the new SaaS environment) with Taylor Moore.
- 3:00pm-3:50pm: Leveraging Blackboard's Discussion Board for Meaningful Discussion with John Jones.
- 4:00pm-4:50pm: Using Your iPad and Apple Pencil for Teaching and More with John Jones.
- 5:00pm-5:50pm: Lightning Round Session #3: FERPA Fast, Copyright Fast, In-Person Contact Fast with Camille Childers, Gina Crabtree, and Maria Sclafani.
- LinkedIn Learning Challenge: . 3 hours and 54 minute class. (Must activate your WSU LinkedIn Learning account first.)
- 9:00am-9:50am: Instructional Video: Hosting Video Online with John Hammer.
- 10:00am-10:50am: Using Action Research to Improve Teaching with Carolyn Speer.
- 11:00am-11:50am: What Absolute Beginners Can Do With (very) Simple Statistics with Carolyn Speer. ARC Big Read Topic Session: Chapter 10.
- Noon-12:50pm: What Professors Say About OER in the Classroom Panel Discussion. Panelists include
Maria Sclafani, Victoria Koger, Neal Allen, Moriah Beck, and Laila Ballout
- 1:00pm-1:50pm: Using Respondus Lockdown Broswer and Monitor in Blackboard with Jennifer Anozie.
- 2:00pm-2:50pm: Using Respondus 4.0 Test Builder to Build Tests for Blackboard with Taylor Moore.
- 3:00pm-3:50pm: Managing the Tenure and Promotion Process with Gery Markova.
- 5:00pm-5:50pm: Mandatory Accessibility Training for 2020-21: The Exceptions Process with John Jones.
- LinkedIn Learning Challenge: . 2 hours and 3 minute class. (Must activate your WSU LinkedIn Learning account first.) ARC Big Read Topic Session: Chapter 8.
- 9:00am-Noon: Creating Quality Video Workshop with John Hammer. Please sign up via MyTraining or email John Hammer directly so we can control the size of the workshop.
- 9:00am-Noon: I'm an Adjunct. HELP! Workshop with Carolyn Speer. No need to sign up, and GTAs
and other interested instructors welcome.
- Templates you can use to speed Blackboard setup
- IDA@wichita.edu for help when you don't know where to go
- IDA Labs Link
- Helpdesk@wichita.edu for passwords and software questions
- Get a key for the media box in your class
- Link to the University's standardized syllabus template
- Omnibus list of all possible things you could want, just in case!
- 9:00-Noon: Building and Deploying Tests in Blackboard Workshop with Taylor Moore.
- Noon-12:50pm: What Students Want Professors to Know Panel Discussion with Carolyn Shaw as moderator and student panelists including Mackenzie Gibson, Jaime Berkgren, Lucy Schneider, and Omarian brantley.
- 1:00pm-4:00pm: Course Building Workshop with Mary Morriss.
- 1:00pm-3:00pm: Using Microsoft Teams to Teach (Workshop) with Carolyn Speer and Ali Levine.