
The Academic Resources Conference is a training conference for WSU instructional staff, student-facing staff, and interested others.

Second Annual Academic Resources Conference August 15, 2019

Conference Details

This year's ARC is a "diaspora" event with a mix of Zoom-based breakout sessions, Zoom-based workshops, and online/on-demand trainings available as video-links found on this site, through our conference YouTube playlist (coming soon), and/or through myTraining events (accessed through ).

Why so much variety? Because 2020 has proven to be a special year with rapid changes and unanticipated needs. Instructional Design and Access wants everyone to have access to the kinds of trainings that work best for them, and yet we also want to make sure that the training you want is available when you want it.

In an attempt to meet all these needs, this year's conference is presented in a "blended" format running from May-August, and this website with all its rich resources will be available to you indefinitely online here. Throughout the 2020-21 academic year, be sure to check here if you have a training need! Use these links to maneuver around the conference site:


New This Year: Cocktail Hour!

We here in Instructional Design and Access miss you! And even though we will have lots of opportunities to interact with you through our live Zoom sessions and workshops, we wanted to set aside some time in our summer-long conference for social time. So this year we are adding a new event: The ARC Cocktail Hour. Cocktail Hour events take place during the evenings the weeks of June 8-12, 2020 and August 10-14, 2020.  

Most Cocktail Hour! sessions run from 6:00pm-6:50pm, although Murder Mystery Nights take a bit longer and will run for two hours. Cocktail Hour! events are designed as small-group discussions, interactive demos, and fun games. If we fill up our Cocktail Hour! sessions for a night, we will try to add others so anyone who wants to come socialize with their friends and peers has a chance to do so.

Cocktail Hour! will be a fun, relaxed time, and we even encourage you to bring a fun cocktail (no alcohol necessary!) along with you. Come hang out, chat about interesting topics, and share some time with friends.

Sign up for Cocktail Hour! events through myTraining in the or by emailing IDA@wichita.edu.

Cool-Kid Stuff

Please join our !

This year we will have YouTube playlists with video versions of many of our live Zoom events, and you will be able to subscribe to it soon. We also have a playlist of the music we are playing before each session, and if you would like to subscribe to the "music of our summer of learning", ! We have a separate music playlist for so be sure to check it out too.

We can't really "live tweet" this event like the events in past years because of the way it's set up, but we do encourage you to "tweet if you liked something!" (If you had a bad experience, please share that with us via email so we can get things fixed for next time: IDA@wichita.edu.)  If you learned something and want to share your experience with others, please use our conference hashtag: #WSUARC20, or give Media Resources Center a shoutout on Facebook: @wichitastatemrc. 

ARC Partners

The conference is a campus partnership event put on by the Media Resources Center, Information Technology Services, University Libraries, Institutional Equity and Compliance, the Office of Student Success, the Faculty Development office, the Graduate School, and individuals across campus. Blackboard also provided trainers as a vendor partner.