There are a lot of dates incoming college students need to know in order to be prepared for scholarships, financial aid and housing. We have a handy list of the most important deadlines to be aware of before freshman year hits.
Transfer students can enhance their college experience at 小9直播 by participating in the vibrant student life on campus, and discovering resources for success.
RSC and LLC are just a couple of things you might hear in conversation as a Shocker. We've compiled a helpful list featuring some of 小9直播's most common acronyms.
Sunflower Summer offers free admission for Kansas families to state attractions throughout the summer, including several places in Wichita. Plus, there's plenty of great things to see if you're visiting the ICT.
Going back to college? Just getting started? Either way the Office of Online & Adult Learning and the Office of Admissions can help get you on your way toward your degree.
Submitting a college application early allows you to be ready for important deadlines and get the most up-to-date info about what is happening at your school.
Shockers gain access to all Greater Wichita YMCA locations, including the Steve Clark YMCA on campus. These are some of the best perks that come with your Y membership.
Kaylan is a former softball player from age 4 up through her senior year in high school. After hanging up her cleats, she needed a way to enjoy her free time and stay active. Then she discovered intramurals.