Proposal: Amend the constitution of the 小9直播 Faculty Senate by eliminating the Faculty Senate's University Curriculum Committee and adding their charges to the Academic Affairs Committee
Rationale: The University Curriculum committee has conducted business only once or twice over
the past several years. The Academic Affairs Committee typically has a light load
and there have been years when the committee has conducted its business in a meeting
or two. Combining the two committees, which have similar charges, will reduce the
overall number of faculty needed to serve on Senate committees.
The composition and selection of the Academic Affairs Committee would be unchanged.
Academic Affairs Committee ( with proposed added charges, 3 and 4, in orange )
Composition: 10 members: 9 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions, 1 student
Selection: Standard
1. Review and make recommendations on proposals for new undergraduate degrees and
academic programs.
2. Review existing policies governing academic affairs and proposals for curricular
change or development.
3. Serve as the curriculum committee for programs and other units which are not covered
by a curriculum committee in one of the degree-granting college/schools.
4. Resolve curriculum issues involving two or more college/schools or units. These
matters may be referred to the Committee by the college/school curriculum committees
or the Office of Academic Affairs and Research. In such instances, a representative
of the Office of Academic Affairs and Research shall serve as a member of the committee
(ex officio, non-voting).
3 5. Recommend new or changed policies concerning academic affairs to the Senate. This
includes, but is not limited to, developing, reviewing, and recommending changes to
university-wide academic standards and practices and administrative practices and
policies likely to have an impact on existing academic programs and practices.
4. 6. The Academic Affairs Committee shall have the power to interpret existing academic
policy and resolve disputes over diverse interpretations of the policy.
University Curriculum (current version )
Composition: 11: 9 Faculty, one chosen from each of the Senate divisions, 1 student member, 1
representative of the Office of Academic Affairs (non-voting)
Selection: Standard
1. Serve as the curriculum committee for programs and other units which are not covered
by a curriculum committee in one of the degree-granting college/schools.
2. Resolve curriculum issues involving two or more college/schools or units. These
matters may be referred to the Committee by the college/school curriculum committees
or the Office of Academic Affairs and Research.