Transferring to the Barton School of Business?
Transfer Coursework Evaluation Process
Information for Transfer Students from a U.S. College or University
Students who are admitted and transferring to С9ֱ should review their Degree Evaluation (CAPP) or Degree Works Audit (myClasses tab on myWSU portal) once their transfer work has been posted.
Students are advised to review their Degree Evaluation/Degree Audit and work with their academic advisor to determine if transfer classes need to be evaluated. If classes need to be evaluated, then students will need to provide the following information to their advisor:
- Student Name and myWSU ID number
- Name of College and State
- Course Number & Title (as it appears on the “Original Transcript”)
- Number of credit hours for each course
- Semester course was taken
- Course description from course catalog and course syllabus
The above information should be sent in an e-mail to your advisor for each course that needs to be evaluated. Once, the courses have been evaluated, adjustments will be made to your Degree Evaluation/Degree Audit to reflect how the classes transfer to С9ֱ (i.e. English Composition I from “XYZ” University is equivalent to ENGL 101 at WSU, rather than just an elective).
Prospective Students
Choosing the right college is an important decision to make and we want to help you feel comfortable making that decision.