Marketing - Data Driven Marketing & Intelligence
Bachelor of Business Administration
This program provides undergraduate marketing students an opportunity to gain specialized experience and skills in marketing analytics and data-driven, evidence-based decision-making. Courses offer students the opportunity to study various quantitative analysis tools and experiences using consumer data to tell a story and provide insights into key business decisions.
Foundation Skills
ENGL 100/101 – College English I
ENGL 102 – College English II
COMM 111 – Public Speaking
MATH 111 or 112 – College Algebra or Pre-Calculus
General Education Requirements
Fine Arts Intro
Hum Intro
Econ 201
Math 144
IB 333
ENTR 310
FA/HUM/MNS 300+ level
Advanced Standing Requirements
MATH 144 – Business Calculus
ECON 201 – Macroeconomics
ECON 202 – Microeconomics
ECON 231 – Business Statistics
ECON 232 – Statistical Software Applications - 1 cr.
BADM 100 - Exploring the World of Business
BADM 162 – Business Software: Excel - 1 cr.
ACCT 210 – Financial Accounting
ACCT 220 – Managerial Accounting
NOTE: All courses are 3 credits unless noted otherwise
Business Core Requirements
MKT 300 – Marketing
ENTR 310 – The Entrepreneurial Experience
IB 333 – International Business
FIN 340 – Financial Management I
DS 350 – Introduction to Production & Operations Management
MGMT 360 – Principles of Management
MIS 395 – Management Information Systems
BLAW 431 – Legal Environment of Business
MGMT 681 – Strategic Management
Marketing Emphasis in Data-Driven Marketing and Intelligence Requirements
Required Courses
MKT 403 - Marketing Research
MKT 405 - Consumer Behavior
MKT 609 - Strategic Marketing Management
MKT 690K - Marketing Analytics and Intelligence
MKT 690M - Data-Driven Metrics for Modern Marketing
MKT 690N - Customer Journey Analytics
MKT 690O - Database and Visual Storytelling
Majors in marketing with an emphasis in data-driven marketing and intelligence must
complete with a C+ or better to continue in the major and the emphasis. Students must also complete with a B- or better and with a C or better. Students choosing this emphasis are also required to minor in business
Specific Requirements for Data-Driven Marketing
MKT 300 with C+ or better
FIN 340 with C or better
DS 350 with C or better
ECON 231 with a B- or better
ECON 232
MATH 144 with C or better
MKT 403 is in-person in fall semester, online in spring semester.
MKT 690M and BSAN 675 planned to be taught in fall only.
MKT 690N planned to be taught in spring only.
A minor in Business Analytics is required.
All majors must have at least 12 unduplicated credit hours.
Marketing-Digital Marketing major consists of 24 credit hours.