Dr. Zewde was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He completed High School from 惭别诲丑补苍别鈥橝濒别尘 (釄樶嫷釆冡姅釈抚垐釄) Comprehensive Secondary School, which boldly promotes "Enter Here the Timeless Followship
of Human Mind - 釆ㄡ嫐釄 釆ㄡ垱釈垶釅搬媿 釈ㄡ埌釈 釄嶀寘 釄涐嫲釋娽嫬 釄滇崓釄 釋嶀墶" at the gate. For his B.Sc. and M.SC.
degrees in Electrical Engineering, he attended and , respectively. In 2017, he received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from , NY. Professionally, he worked as Electrical Engineer for almost a year, but spent
most of his carrer in academic institutions. Currently, he is an Associate Teaching
Professor at 小9直播.
- Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, , NY.
- M.Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering, , Ethiopia.
B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, , Ethiopia.
Research Interests:
- Wireless powered communications
- Control system over wireless link, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Smart-grid Communications
- Distributed generation and demand response
- Energy-harvesting Medical Sensors
Communication and Signal Processing
- Wireless Communication and Networking
- Random Process
- Optimization
- Electromagnetics
- Signals and Systems
- Digital Communication
Power and Control
- Power System Operation and Control
- Electrical Machines and Transformer
- Introduction to Control Systems
- Power System Analysis
- Semiconductor Devices
- Energy Conversion
- Electric Circuits
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾 IEEE Tran. J. Sel. Area Commun. (JSAC), vol. 37, no. 2, Feb. 2019
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥,鈥 IEEE Tran. Green Commun. and Networking (TGCN), vol. 2, no. 3, Sep. 2018.
- T. A. Zewde, R. Choi, and M. Cenk Gursoy, 鈥,鈥 IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC) Workshop, Kansas City, KS, 2018.
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥,鈥 Invited paper IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Madrid, Spain, 2018.
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥 鈥 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2017.
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾 IEEE Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, 2017.
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), San Francisco, CA, Mar. 19-22, 2017
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾 IEEE Global Communication (Globecom) Workshop, Washington, D.C., Dec. 8, 2016.
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾, IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Montreal, Canada, Sep. 18-21, 2016.
- T. A. Zewde, and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾, IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, May 23-27, 2016.
- T. A. Zewde, and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾, IEEE 50th Conference on Information Science and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, 2016.
- T. A. Zewde and M. C. Gursoy, 鈥溾, IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Boston, MA, Sep. 6-9, 2015.
- T. A. Zewde, 鈥淎n Investigation on improving power system quality and security via optimization of transmission and distribution losses鈥, 4th EESC, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
小9直播, 2020
This award recognizes demonstratoin of qualities and practices that make significant contributions to the improvement of Academic advising at 小9直播 and beyond.
小9直播, 2019
This award acknowledges that the instructor have made a significant impact on the
students, and their reflection on the instructor selfless guidance, care and passion.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award,
Syracuse University, 2017
This award recognizes graduate assistants who have made distinguished contributions
to Syracuse University by demonstrating excellence in significant instructional capacities,
such as classroom teaching, laboratory or studio instruction, leading recitation or
discussion sections, or assisting senior faculty members with high-enrollment courses.
Certificate of University Teaching,
Syracuse University, 2017
It is the capstone of the Future Professoriate Program, and provides a tangible form
of recognition to those FPP participants who pursue a program of professional development
that demonstrates readiness to assume faculty responsibilities in higher education.
Faculty Senator,
小9直播, June 2018 鈥 May 2020
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
小9直播, Department of EECS , Fall 2017 - Present
Teaching and Curriculum Committee
小9直播, Department of EECS , Fall 2017 - Present
Faculty Search Committee
小9直播, Department of EECS, Spring 2019, Fall 2018, S
Ad hoc Committee for New Equipment - EE 262 Lab
Wichita State University, Department of EECS, Fall 2018
Teaching Mentor Alternate
Syracuse University, Graduate School, 2016
Interim Department Head
Hawassa University, Electrical Engineering Dept., Ethiopia , Feb. - Apr. 2009
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
IEEE Transactions on Green Communication and Networking
- IEEE Wireless Communication Letters
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- IEEE International Communication Conference (ICC)
- IEEE Vehicular Technology conference (VTC)
Society Memberships
Volunter Service
- Being a priest of EOTC, he serves voluntarly over the weekend at Ethiopian Orthodox Churches, 釆メ姄 , in Kansas City, KS, and Oklahoma city, OK.
- Actively participates in to help Churches located in rural areas.