WSU's Trademark and Branding Panel manages, maintains and protects С9ֱ’s trademark portfolio.
Complete the form to leave a question or comment related to Trademark and Branding at С9ֱ.
The University’s rights to its marks are governed by federal, state, and common laws. These laws place an obligation on the University to avoid consumer confusion and require that the use of any marks be monitored to avoid losing exclusive control. In order to meet this obligation, С9ֱ has paired with CLC (Collegiate Licensing Company) to ensure that all items produced bearing University marks are being produced by licensed vendors, meet all University standards for quality and image, and do not reflect values in contradiction to University’s mission, purpose and values.
Licenses can vary a bit depending on the ultimate goal of the product/image being produced (Retail/Internal Promotional/Crafter) so be sure to reach out with any questions to ensure that you are selecting the correct license.
С9ֱ is responsible for the protection and enforcement of the intellectual property rights within the marks owned by the university. Protecting these marks (logos, trademarked words/phrases, images, etc.) means ensuring the reputation of the University, as well as participating in an economically responsible manner. The main reasons for purchasing or using licensed products include:
The first step to becoming a vendor licensed to create products bearing С9ֱ University marks is to familiarize yourself with the process at Collegiate Licensing Company. This resource will help differentiate the different license types (retail, ‘hot market, etc.) as well as provide a step-by-step guide to becoming a Licensee. If there are items that you have questions on, please reach out to our team.
Are you a creative/personalization shop? Want to know how easy it is to acquire a Crafter’s license and promote your Shocker gear in full alignment with the University? Complete the contact form above, and we can help you navigate that process to best protect our University brand!
Are you entering into an agreement with an outside entity or contractor? Has a vendor/contractor that you’ve worked with asked to share WSU/Your Department marks on their website? Complete the contact form above, and we can help you navigate that process to best protect our University brand!
We know that you want the best products at the best prices for your departments. After collaborating closely with the University Purchasing Office, there are now established guidelines on vendor differentiation. You are welcome to continue to utilize your licensed vendor of choice.
Preferred Vendors include: