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Degree Map

College of Engineering

BS in Applied Engineering — Concentration in Process Automation (2024 - 2025)

1st year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
FYAP 102A Intro to Tech & Innovation 1 0703 ENGL 102 College English II 0103
ENGL 101 College English I 0103 ECON 201 Principles of Macro. Econ. 2 0503
COMM 111 Public Speaking 0203 BIOL 370 Intro Environmental Science 93
MATH 242 Calculus I 2 0305 MATH 243 Calculus II 25
Fall Total Hours 14 Spring Total Hours 14

Total hours for 1st year: 28

2nd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
APEN 201 Introductory Design Project 81 APEN 312 Applied Statics or AE 223 Statics3
PHYS 313 Phys. For Scientist I 2 0404 PHYS 314 Phys. For Scientist II 24
PHYS 315 Univ. Phys. Lab I 2 0401 PHYS 316 Univ. Phys. Lab II 21
STAT 370 Elementary Statistics, or IME 254 or IME 254 Eng Probability & Statistics I3 APEN 320 Circuits Technology or ECE 282/L Circuits I with lab4
IME 222/L Engineering Graphics3 APEN 354 Statistical Process Control3
GEOL 300 Energy, Resour & Enviro 2 0703
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 2nd year: 30

3rd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
APEN 301 Intermediate Design Project1 APEN 441 Analysis of Decision Proc3
APEN 313 Applied Dynamics1 IME 258/L Manufacturing Methods I4
APEN 334 Intro Strength/Mechs of Mats3 PHIL 385 Engineering Ethics 2 0603
APEN 361 Indust Control & Instrumt4 APEN 411 Microcomp Mech Systems3
APEN 492 Energy Mgmt & Sustainabiity3 Technical Elective 33
MATH 451 Comput Math & MATLAB 53
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 16

Total hours for 3rd year: 31

4th year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
APEN 401 Senior Project I3 APEN 401 Senior Project II3
APEN 323 Intro to Fluids3 APEN 410 Robotics Technology3
APEN 497/L Elec Machines and Circuits4 APEN 348 Machine Elements3
GenEd Arts & Hum (not PHIL) 2 0603 Technical Elective 33
GenEd Soc & Beh Sc (not ECON) 2 0503 Technical Elective 33
Fall Total Hours 16 Spring Total Hours 15

Total hours for 4th year: 31

Hours needed to complete the degree: 120

  1. All first-year college students are required to take FYAP 102A within their first two semesters. Students who are exempt will take ENGR 205 to replace FYAP 102A.
  2. May count as a general education course.
  3. The selection of General Education and other courses may impact the required technical elective hours. This needs to be determined with an advisor.
  4. May count as a general education course. With approval from the department chair, students may substitute with any BIOL course or, if CHEM 211 is not taken, any CHEM course.
  5. May count as a general education course. With approval from the department chair, students may substitute with any MATH 300 level or above course.
  6. All applied engineering students must complete these courses, regardless of applied engineering concentration.
  7. Details outlined under College of Engineering Requirements, #2.
  8. Transfer students will take ENGR 205 to replace FYAP 102A and APEN 201.
  9. With approval from the department chair, students may substitute with any BIOL course or, if CHEM 211 is not taken, any CHEM course.

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key

  • 010 English
  • 020 Communications
  • 030 Math/Statistics
  • 040 Natural and Physical Science
  • 050 Social and Behavioral Science
  • 060 Arts and Humanities
  • 070 Institutionally Designated/Diversity