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Degree Map

College of Fine Arts

BME in Special Music Education: Vocal (2024 - 2025)

1st year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
GEN ED: ENGL 101 College English I 1 0103 GEN ED: ENGL 102 College English II 1 0103
GEN ED: First Year Seminar 0703 GEN ED: MATH 1___ College Algebra or Contemporary Math 1 0303
MUSA 113P Piano Class Level I1 MUSA 232Y Applied Lesson2
MUSA 232Y Applied Lesson2 MUSC 113 Intro to Music Studies and Professional Skills3
MUSC 127 Musicianship 12 MUSC 128 Musicianship 22
MUSC 129 Aural Skills 12 MUSC 130 Aural Skills 22
MUSE 171 Orientation to Music Education1 MUSP 105 Recital Attendance0
MUSP 105 Recital Attendance0 MUSP 2__ Ensemble1
MUSP 2__ Ensemble1 Music Elective (as advised)1
Vocal Focus Elective1 Vocal Focus Elective1
Fall Total Hours 16 Spring Total Hours 18

Total hours for 1st year: 34

2nd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
GEN ED: Art & Humanities 0603 GEN ED: COMM 111 Public Speaking 1 0203
GEN ED: Diversity Designation 0703 GEN ED: Social & Behavioral Sciences 0503
MUSA 232Y Applied Lesson2 MUSA 116P Piano Class Level IV1
MUSC 229 Aural Skills 32 MUSA 232Y Applied Lesson2
MUSE 271 Intro to Music Education2 MUSC 641 Orchestration2
MUSP 2__ Ensemble1 MUSE 231 Scaffolding Musical Understanding2
Music Elective (as advised)1 MUSP 2__ Ensemble1
Theory/Composition Elective2 Theory/Composition Elective2
Fall Total Hours 16 Spring Total Hours 16

Total hours for 2nd year: 32

3rd year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
GEN ED: PSY 111 or CESP 334 Gen. Psych. or Human Dev. 0503 GEN ED: Natural & Physical Sciences w/ Lab 0404
MUSA 432Y Applied Lesson2 MUSA 432Y Applied Lesson2
MUSC 334 History of Music I3 MUSE 241 String Rehearsal Methods1
MUSE 242 Wind and Percussion Rehearsal Methods1 MUSE 323 Fund. of Vocal Music for Secondary Schools2
MUSE 311 Intro to Diversity Field Experience1 MUSE 617 Literacy Strategies for Content Areas2
MUSE 611 Music for Special Education2 MUSP 4__ Ensemble1
MUSP 308 Choral Conducting2 MUSP 691 Advanced Choral Conducting2
MUSP 4__ Ensemble1 Musicology Elective3
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 17

Total hours for 3rd year: 32

4th year
Fall Semester Fall Hours Spring Semester Spring Hours
GEN ED: Art & Humanities 0603 MUSE 405 Teaching Internship Seminar1
MUSA 432Y Applied Lesson2 MUSE 453 Teaching Internship: Special and Elementary Music Ed.3
MUSC 523 Form and Analysis2 MUSE 469 Teaching Internship Secondary Music3
MUSE 303 Elementary and General Music Methods2 CAS 501 Teacher Licensure Capstone0
MUSE 305 Pre-Student Teaching1
MUSE 306 Class Management for Music Educators1
MUSE 309 Special Music Education Methods2
MUSE 342 Survey of Choral Techniques and Literature2
MUSP 400 Senior Recital0
Fall Total Hours 15 Spring Total Hours 7

Total hours for 4th year: 22

Hours needed to complete the degree: 120

  1. C- or higher required.

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key

  • 010 English
  • 020 Communications
  • 030 Math/Statistics
  • 040 Natural and Physical Science
  • 050 Social and Behavioral Science
  • 060 Arts and Humanities
  • 070 Institutionally Designated/Diversity