ࡱ> _a^#` Fbjbj\.\. 2>D>D >>>>>>>T&&&2'$V',B''(''''''AAAAAAA$Ch4FJB>-''--B>>''2B8///-v>'>'A/-A//>,>>A'' Y&C.|!A,AjBHBMAb~F.~F4A~F>AH'v)0/*+3'''BBw/p'''B---- V&DV&>>>>>>  WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Engineering OPTIONAL PRACTICAL TRAINING APPROVAL FORM (See back of this form for approval policy) Name: _______________________________________________ SSN: _________________ Last First M.I. Semester: (check one) Fall / Spring / Summer 200_____ Date: _________________ (The Student is responsible for collecting the required verifications before this form is submitted to the Department Chair for approval) 1. Verification from the student advisor: (check one) Based on the approved plan-of-study, the student [ ] is expected to graduate at the end of the semester indicated above [ ] is NOT expected to graduate at the end of the semester indicated above ________________________________________ __________________________ Signature Date Name 2. Verification from the Graduate School: (check one) Application for Degree is: [ ] on file for the indicated semester [ ] NOT on file for the indicated semester ________________________________________ __________________________ Signature Date Name 3. Verification from the Graduate Coordinator: (check one) The student has: [ ] scheduled oral defense exam or satisfactorily completed the oral defense and the Graduate School has been notified (appropriate for a student in the Thesis or Directed Project Option of the MS program and the PhD program) (Scheduled) Date of Oral Defense Exam ____________________________ [ ] successfully passed the written exit exam and the Graduate School has been notified (appropriate for student in the All Course Option of the MS program) Date this requirement was satisfied ____________________________ [ ] NOT satisfied either of the above terminal requirements ________________________________________ __________________________ Signature Date Name 4. Department Chairs Approval: Request for Optional Practical Training is [ ] Approved [ ] NOT approved ________________________________________ __________________________ Signature Date Name NOTE: Keep a copy in student File. Starting with Fall 2003 Semester, the following policy will be in effect regarding Optional Practical Training requests for MS/PhD students on Non-immigrant Visa. Applications for optional practical training (OPT) after graduation will be approved only if a student satisfies all three of the following conditions- Based on the approved plan-of-study, the student is expected to graduate at the end of the current semester (verification from student advisor is needed); The student has filed a (degree card( with the Graduate School (verification from Graduate School is needed); and Depending on the degree option on the student(s approved plan-of-study, he/she has satisfied the exit requirement described below (verification from Graduate Coordinator is needed) - Thesis/Dissertation and Directed Project Options: Graduate School has been notified that the student has either successfully passed the oral defense exam or the oral exam date has been scheduled (certified by student advisor) All Course Option: Graduate School has been notified that the student has successfully passed the exit exam. If you have any question about these policies, contact the Dean of Engineering or your Department Chair.  FILENAME \p Z:\imfge\IDRIVE\GRADUATE\Grad-forms\Current Forms\College OPT Form-25Aug03.DOC 25 August 2003     FILENAMECollege OPT Form-25Aug03.DOC 21 April 1999 21 April 1999 FILENAMECollege OPT Form-25Aug03.DOC 21 April 1999 21 April 1999 %127cegh  * - N      ( A G m n y < U [ " J K Q o w ƿƶƯƯƨƣƶƯƝƯƶƯƯƶƯƨƯƨ ha5 ha5CJ h~]5CJ hgUCJ hgU5 ha5CJ hgU5CJhgU56CJ hE.p5CJ hgU5CJ hgUCJhgU56CJha56CJ hgU5CJ. hgU5CJ2hgUjhgUU629cM N  $ p@ ^`a$$ p@ P  ^ `a$$a$$a$1&$d%d&d'd+D.Z/ZNOPQE  D ' B C z ; V W y$ pp^p`a$$  p@ PP^P`a$$a$ 4mox}Kdfj#<=`acr{  Z[fgĽĽ߱sdd j=haha5CJaJ j>haha5CJaJ$Hhx&haha5CJaJHhx&h5CJaJhaha5CJaJhahgU5CJaJ ha5CJ hgU5CJhgU ha5CJhgU56CJ hgUCJ hgU5 ha5CJ hgU5CJ hgU5CJ'Jef"=>acd   ?$ & F `h^ha$gda$ p@ ^`a$$  p@ PP^P`a$$a$BkM&'()*+,-./0127 7 gda $h^ha$gd~]?$ & F `@& a$gda?$ & F `a$gda$a$gdaq~ &23@AƼƜ{u{j{h-N6CJmHnHu hgUCJjhgUCJUhJ,h'FYjh'FYU ha5CJ hgU5CJhgU5CJmHnHujhgU5CJUhgUhgU5CJjhgUhgU5CJU hgU5CJhaha5>*CJaJha5CJaJhaha5CJaJ"CDEF7  & p@ P !" ^"` A@!"2BCDEF» hgU5CJh'FYh-N6mHnHujhgUUhgU hgUCJHhx&hgUCJ#hgUCJcHdhdhdhx&4         ...()()()..)() 0P8$<0BP/ =!"#$% 4()()()()()()()() 0P8$<0BP/ =!"#*$v% 4PPPPPPPPP" " " " " " " " ()()() 0P8$<0BP/ =!"#*$v% 4" " " " " " " " ()()() 0P8$<0BP/ =!"#*$v% 4" " " " " " " " ()()() 0P8$<0BP/ =!"#*$v% DdM  |??T  0EEHHAbFib%AXᵷ1DnFib%AXᵷ1PNG  IHDRMp%gAMA0PLTE{ pHYs#gIDATxY* @%;RPoBCv+pYR?!SY q,bY"BrؤFNj 4&z'ܞj $R/温p:L-~ʟNM)_I Ni:0w0Yp т[yNALW8'&TXSdP=IVZmaNA<`JtcBv׉sO>&|)Ne')"0S`CAPa:89Ahc 6٠ek I 'htLhR U*yoJ0\KtJ‡@=)Y [o E8yb5>NL[ j>dNq@)95a rL[.IzUNg8(_nPnrѠ\b含zMasv yD&ė r p Ƕ:pr!y{@TwV j6"&O|6.u P8ďaZM%N} }|iL-]nFֹ I6TNJ11z"|k1(&)E֭O[@M9-h]8y#AtL9.SXMbJ3شFNyo$f)h5)ࠆ&H)9s5ZջL`nͳoP8aHz9?*͇0 0:fL(9!385aF>O%& oPF[#$ ny9$CTA5Sknՠqtۜ  F}ߜ._jP#9}4d4ˠfs[aFjwUjKǩy=\q5p٥iA Լ 8,5 3q Rip>>vGL:S؇@ 9ۜZrdP8,m馞tܟ'zA)m)os3 (Z]5?t((܏3#<NG'Ksq)8x]N# 8az˷8YЗZó.]CuN9ɹg@ A[+">;']b夦̳0٠^ ,s!TEHw=Vٌ ݥ?'O?'60PwlH:͠z8+yOr:}~kiTpP'5^F$%p90͠##'D{=K \ZZNs'=;Rw]2qޜ"MG^A)‰ux^E܅BN6`$8r 9kȉULP4hĔV8ˏÝIhPSq6xOq5m$uxgd[d%:RI ׄiԉY8)N=5slZ2w{ [Sմ1 Na$ZtN |pr\ᔩVT, fNF*L_p77 'qbP(o'ʩT?=FFq'fNYNG=8YyeN*pyrp8@Vl8qұ:;)T<ѨeM*qޒWT5qRR] ןR'>J'Sb’0)vŷ sDxI;>"kUN:SdWg=)5N!n~dtENLA$d*'sR^ɍr«2Ӌ_TsO$ "KENop 䴕8 oq@N )+pԚ;9)s:ppJs:UH+JꜼ)8- 7>SvU'>WҍS2_ISDR9 HTUN'Z]'ᜠ5rqs9cRKՍK8)h9A]'pJb2' 'y5-ݔTq ʣsP 0Kw1'q˴m]89i1Y;81E0X$!9_@p Ʃ\I^ˉ nrT0 g8UOvNrx+1R' FNZ<>ϱ<4p* n\K8'˰pa8isl7S,*88Uݸr[$TK`G3OpwMj+Z%NJG99'-ҐaxN, }=wjo‰9]u\zd2-qBʼnZt>xH]6ZL *4NxkŶS-C_YNã90|L`q3-rr|I>X8 DT ʹɃI2.'h~'wd}p!:'N gsGP Rwq"uF-}1gNǘ^dy & %sAN؆`Nmt8'd"'̙Š #|J/t!ý,sh:`NVsb(|j| &I6vNp ٧O(9ӕ /$)ݘ|&YrKm %F}TI2(S(B.M/Vn98 eGsfNc9^G*ӳtdT;c sR6dʢ凒Ti'PNb'9؆JLb c!@k/?B1fq“2f)(b*/nNR9%㖳tJ`]' ќ$ł?KQҫnjN:`yx`2E C@ (&iqO/s^[uBF912 g!s)2rkN9) :~<{M?w"8N`r 4 2-S7(J*sF ?`N393JSUx4SYX[FOsJ J9L!X 7b"rjHg88v$K0ƛ!rNx0.K6(az9Z+ء?G|tBx(~IHFK ''V$+8eO[r'z @n]&t],'rה8y^Vwo&ѭ OyjNl*))Dh9#*dNXl4699y JB8mP')Hi8A;Oii:'\f愪 _cඹeN6NI%. 8 %N}=ʋ1*c,'2}prnI>v`Q)F`s]N? 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