Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) Notice
The Annual Security Report which is published here by the university each year by Oct. 1, requires С9ֱ to notify
all students, staff, and faculty of the following as it relates to the Drug Free Schools
and Communities Act (DFSCA):
• Written Standards of Conduct
• Institutional Outcomes
• Description of Legal Sanctions (local, state, and federal)
• Description of health risks associated with abuse
• Any drug/alcohol counseling/treatment/rehab program
The 2019 DFSCA Annual Notice can be found here.
If there are any questions or concerns about this report, please contact Molly Gordon at Molly.Gordon@wichita.edu.
Flu shots available on campus
WSU HR Total Rewards team is once again hosting on-site flu shots, available to State of Kansas employees and their spouses who are currently enrolled in SEHP medical insurance. If registration is closed or no appointments are available in the online scheduler, a limited number of walk-in appointments will be accepted each day. Please note that walk-in appointments may experience longer wait times.
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, in 258 RSC (Online scheduler closes Sept. 13)
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4, in 264 RSC (Online scheduler closes Sept. 27)
If you participated in a clinic last year and completed a profile, you will be prompted to reset your password.
Note: Employees located in Kansas in a city other than Wichita can select a different on-site location by using the same registration link. However, individuals are encouraged to contact the alternate site in advance to confirm access, as not all sites are open to the public.
Click here for the .
Getting the most out of your benefits webinar – plus HealthQuest credit
To help employees understand their benefits as we approach Open Enrollment, a webinar
through EAP titled, “Getting the Best Value out of Your Health Benefits,” will be
available. This webinar will provide valuable information for employees on how to
evaluate different health plan options, and how to select which health plans are the
best choice for their family. The webinar will be about one hour, and attendees will
be awarded one HealthQuest credit upon completion.
To register for this webinar, select and click on the date and time below to register.
Once registered, all important information on joining the webinar will be sent directly
to your email and you will be able to attend the webinar from your own individual
Note: This webinar will present general health plan knowledge and is not specific
to 2020 plan changes.
Call for 2019-20 Service-Learning Scholars
The С9ֱ Service-Learning team is a critical component in the University’s efforts to accomplish its strategic plan.
The Service Learning Faculty Scholars program has been designed to empower committed service-learning faculty to cultivate and support interest in service-learning in their fellow faculty members and through their classes and college. Our goal is to infuse the campus and community with a spirit of service-based academic engagement that ties the classroom experience to applied learning and experiential knowledge.
We are currently seeking applicants for the 2019-20 academic year. All application materials should be submitted in .pdf form to Rhonda Lewis by midnight Friday, Sept. 27.
Any questions about the program or application can be directed to Rhonda Lewis at rhonda.lewis@wichita.edu, and / or Chelsea Redger-Marquardt at chelsea.redger@wichita.edu.
Full details are available here.
WSU’s Kansas Procurement Technical Assistance Center and the Navy to Conduct Small Business Workshop
Wichita Navy Week will include a workshop for small businesses to receive education
on how to do business with the Navy and Marine Corps. The Department of the Navy’s
Office of Small Business Programs’ Financial Analyst, Ms. Shawn Smith, will present
the information in a workshop in partnership with the Kansas Procurement Technical
Assistance Center (PTAC) from 8:30-noon Wednesday, Sept. 11, at Marcus Welcome Center.
To register, visit the Kansas PTAC website at .
Smith will also cover information about how to find upcoming contracting opportunities
and how small businesses can contribute to the warfighter mission. The Navy and Marine
Corps are especially interested in talking with companies that have not been selling
to the Navy and Marine Corps
This Procurement Technical Assistance Center is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Defense Logistics Agency.
ISME Colloquium today (Friday, Sept. 6)
Arun Kaarthick Manoharan will present “Electric Vehicles: Power System Challenges
and Possible Solutions,” from 11 a.m.-noon today (Friday, Sept. 6) in 214 Clinton
Talk abstract: In the last decade, the power and energy industries have made changes
in planning and operation to make the electric grid more efficient and environment
friendly to achieve reduced 𝐶𝑂2 emission. Also, the public interest towards remedial
actions for man-made climate change has led to new opportunities and challenges. One
such case is the increase in the number of electric vehicles in the grid. Studies
show that the electric vehicles in the U.S. will be at an all-time high by the year
2020, and will continue to increase in the coming decade. This would pose a lot of
challenges on the existing power and control infrastructure of the electric grid.
The talk will focus on the challenges and the new strategies that are being implemented / developed to address those challenges.
The Lecture Series in the Mathematical Sciences presents Gideon Maschler, Clark University
Gideon Maschler from Clark University will be the guest lecturer for the Lecture Series
in the Mathematical Sciences at 3 p.m. today (Friday, Sept. 6), in 372 Jabara Hall.
Maschler will present “Shear and explicit Kähler metrics in dimension four."
Refreshments will be served before the lecture at 2:30 p.m. in 353 Jabara Hall.
Click here for the abstract and a list of upcoming lectures.
Join in the retirement celebration for Doris Wells
The Office of Purchasing invites you to the retirement celebration for Doris Wells from 2-4 p.m. today (Friday, Sept. 6), with remarks at 2:30 p.m. in 261 RSC.
This is a come-and-go event to share your memories and well wishes as we celebrate the many years of service, contributions, and dedication to her career with WSU.
Cake and refreshments will be served, along with a receiving table for cards and gifts. No RSVP required.
This week’s university update
In case you missed the Weekly Briefing yesterday (Thursday, Sept. 5) here’s information about Military visits to campus, Navy Week, Strategic Plan Town Hall, Academic Convocation and Campus Life.
Military visits to campus – by the numbers
As we mentioned in our Aug. 15 briefing, WSU continues making great strides through its strong commitment to applied learning and research. This is evidenced by its new record for R&D awards, which totaled $136 million in fiscal year 2019, up from $104 million in FY 2018.
This significant increase comes from a steep rise in contracts and awards from the U.S. Department of Defense.
In fact, over the past 18 months, we’re proud to announce that the National Institute for Aviation Research and the university have hosted two dozen visits from all branches of the military—showcasing the R&D capabilities our campus offers. A total of 136 military guests have seen WSU firsthand, including three department secretaries and multiple generals.
And, today, these numbers increase even more as U.S. Senator Jerry Moran, WSU and NIAR host Acting Secretary of the United States Army Ryan McCarthy for a tour of the John Bardo Center at 1:45 p.m., with media availability at 2:05 p.m.
We welcome the acting secretary and Senator Moran to campus. This visit is just another indicator that our commitment to applied learning and research is reaping big benefits for our students and faculty, our industry partners, and the community, state, region, and nation.
Navy Week – Sept. 9-15
In other military-related news, WSU is set to host several public and private events as part of Wichita Navy Week, Sept. 9th-15th. Navy Weeks are the Navy’s signature outreach program, allowing this service branch to build and strengthen ties to communities who do not have frequent visibility of the Navy.
At 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10, in the Beggs Ballroom, everyone is invited for a special lecture from Rear Admiral Nancy Lacore titled “My Path to Service and Leadership in Modern America.” Lacore is the United States Navy's director of the Maritime Partnership Program for U.S. Naval Forces Europe/Africa and vice commander of the Navy's 6th Fleet based in Naples, Italy.
Her lecture will highlight her career journey from young naval aviator to Navy Rear Admiral. She’ll also talk about the importance of service both in and out of uniform; how to be an effective leader in today's society; and the opportunities that exist for women in the military. We look forward to having her on campus.
And at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 11 in the CAC Theater, Military and Veteran Services will host a Sept. 11 remembrance ceremony. The ceremony will feature a talk from Chavius Lewis, commanding officer of the USS Wichita. Everyone is invited to attend.
As supporters of military students from all branches and backgrounds, we hope you’ll join us in welcoming the Navy to Shocker Nation. For a full list of WSU’s Navy Week events, visit wichita.edu/navyweek.
Strategic Plan Town Hall
As you may have heard, working groups of diverse stakeholders have been meeting the last few months to review and update the university’s goals. The valuable input and insight they’ve contributed underscores our commitment to shared governance, which is key to the direction the university is headed.
In addition, Kaye Monk-Morgan, assistant vice president for Academic Affairs, is also meeting with various constituency groups to get feedback.
As this refresh of our Strategic Plan wraps up, we want to invite students, faculty, staff and the community to learn about our updated goals, and bring their questions, at a town hall at 3 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 19 in Hubbard Hall.
We’re excited about these updated goals and hope to see you there.
Academic Convocation
With the semester now in full swing, we want to remind students, faculty and staff not to miss out on one of fall’s signature events, Academic Convocation, which will take place at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 12 in Wilner Auditorium.
Academic Convocation is an exciting event that blends the WSU Reads program with other learning and engagement opportunities, along with faculty awards, a student speaker, keynote address and book signing. This year’s keynote speaker is Bill Burnett, co-author of “Designing Your Life,” which was selected as this year’s WSU Reads common read book.
The WSU Reads program sparks conversation between students across majors while making meaningful connections between educational concepts and out-of-the-classroom programs and activities. It’s one of many ways the university is working to enhance the Shocker experience to better ensure students’ academic and personal success.
We look forward to seeing every student at Academic Convocation. If you can’t attend, the event will be livestreamed at wichita.edu/convocation.
Campus life
In addition to Academic Convocation, the university kicks off each semester with a variety of fun, free events and opportunities for students to connect with each other and with university resources. These events help students get engaged and acclimated to college life sooner, which is key to the university’s efforts to support, retain and graduate them.
A prime example is Welcomefest, which takes place during the first two weeks of each semester and features dozens of activities. A few event highlights from this year’s Welcomefest include:
- Clash of the Colleges, an event featuring inflatables, relay races, tug-o-war, team sports and a competition between academic colleges to determine who rules the school. We want to send a hearty congratulations to the College of Applied Studies for claiming victory this year.
- Walk-a-Mile, a one-mile walk around campus in the shoes of another to take a stand against rape, sexual assault and gender-based violence.
- And Bid Day—where, this year, more than 100 women were given a bid to join one of WSU’s five National Panhellenic Council chapters—as part of WSU’s vibrant and diverse Greek Life.
These are just a few of the more than 350 on-campus events students enjoy each year. To keep track of the fun and excitement still to come this semester, and for ways to get involved beyond the classroom, visit wichita.edu/involvement.
Quinn the Goose Dog enrolls at WSU
С9ֱ is excited to announce the arrival of Quinn and Chris Stoneberger, the dynamic duo behind Goose Troopers. The pair is fully licensed and trained to control geese populations in a PETA approved method. Quinn started her new job at WSU on Sept. 2. She is adjusting well and loves being a part of Shocker Nation.
Read complete story on Quinn the Goose Dog.
Langston Lions and McPherson Bulldogs meet at Cessna Stadium for the Heartland Classic
In conjunction with the Heartland Black Chamber of Commerce and the С9ֱ University Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, we proudly welcome the Langston University Lions and the McPherson College Bulldogs to Cessna Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 7. Gates open at 2 p.m., and kickoff is at 4 p.m.
There will be a pre-game performance by the Southeast High School Band. The halftime events include a special ceremony honoring former WSU coach Willie Jeffries, who made history in 1979 as the first African American head football coach at a Division I college, and a performance by the Langston Lions Marching Band.
Get your tickets at
Engage WSU 2019 to feature keynote address from Lt. Gov. Lynn Rogers
From 7:30 a.m.-noon Friday, Sept. 13, the Public Policy and Management Center and
the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement will present Engage WSU, a day
that brings together university, public, nonprofit and community leaders for current
research and knowledge exchange in public service.
Engage WSU will be held at WSU's Marcus Welcome Center and will feature a keynote
address from Lt. Gov. Lynn Rogers, Parting Words from retired Sedgwick County undersheriff
Brenda Dietzman, the Road to Public Service with Leavenworth Mayor Jermaine Wilson
and various breakout sessions.
The breakout session topics will include Media Coverage of Community Driven Issues;
Profiles of High Utilizers of Mental Health Community Services; Continuing the Connecting
Conversation: Talent & Retention; and Diversity and Community Engagement.
To learn more about Engage WSU and to register, visit .
Up to 60 percent off at JCPenney on Sunday, Sept. 8
WSU students, faculty and staff mark your calendars for the Career Development Center's JCPenney Suit Up event from 6-9 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, at JCPenney East and West locations. With your WSU ID you can save up to 60 percent off select men's and women's career dress apparel, including suits, dresses, sport coats, dress pants, shoes, and accessories. At JCPenney East, enter from the upper level east entrance, at JCPenney West enter in the north door by the salon.
WSU receives funding to continue to assist businesses in gaining SBIR/STTR funding
For the sixth consecutive year, С9ֱ is one of 24 nationwide recipients of a $125,000 grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
The Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program provides one-year funding to execute programs that will increase the awareness of federal programs to support technology-based innovation.
FAST’s objective is to improve outcomes for underrepresented entrepreneurs in SBA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs and increase participation for women-owned, rural-based and socially and economically disadvantaged firms.
FAST provides specialized training, outreach, mentoring and technical assistance for R&D focused small businesses. The program provides one-year funding to organizations to execute state / regional programs that support potential SBIR applicants and awardees. The FAST award project and budget periods are for a base period of 12 months, beginning Sept. 30.
The FAST program engages high-growth businesses – especially those in Kansas Department of Commerce target industry sectors such as alternative energy, distribution, bioscience, advanced manufacturing, value-added agriculture and food processing – to promote innovation, growth and productivity.
“SBIR/STTR awards are a strong indicator of a region’s economic health,” said Debbie Franklin WSU associate vice president for strategic initiatives. “Our goal is to assist businesses interested in participating in the program by matching them up with the resources necessary to fill in technical gaps. Many of which can be found at Wichita State or other Kansas universities.”
FAST candidates were endorsed by each of their state / territorial governors, as only one proposal can be received per state. Panels from SBA, NASA, the Missile Defense Agency, U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research and the National Institutes of Health evaluated the proposals.
Varying levels of matching funds were required, based on the number of SBIR Phase I awards in each state.
“FAST partners support an important role in attempting to fill various gaps that R&D-focused small businesses may have to help them win SBIR/STTR awards,” said Acting Administrator Christopher Pilkerton. “They focus on the needs of next-generation high-tech firms and support them through the entire cycle from ideation to commercialization. SBIR funding is one way to do that. Additionally, a number of these awards are going to partners that are located in Opportunity Zones where job creation and investments are moving forward to revitalize communities.”
Are you analytics savvy?
Business Analytics: The New Competitive Advantage will be presented from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20. The cost is $395, and a 40%
discount is available for WSU faculty, staff, and students. Some restrictions apply.
High performing companies are doing more than just collecting data, storing it, and
generating reports. They are using data-driven insights to differentiate themselves
from other companies that are making the same product or delivering the same service.
Spend the day with Sue Abdinnour and find out what to collect, and how to use it to
your advantage when making decisions.
* Descriptive and predictive analytics
* Excel and Tableau
* Building a culture focused on analytics
For more information, go to or register at 978-3118.
Teen study participants needed to help explore perceptions of relationships
Are you a parent of a teenager? The INSPYRE research lab is exploring what makes relationships
healthy or unhealthy in adolescence
Purpose of this study: To explore perceptions of healthy and unhealthy relationships
in teens
Procedures: After parental consent and teen assent has been obtained, teens will be
asked to participate in a survey that gathers information on demographics and perceptions
of dating relationships.
Time: This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete
Eligibility Criteria: Participants must be 13-19 years old, and must be fluent in
We provide flexible locations for study participation! Study participation can be
* in person in 417 Jabara Hall
* in person at an outdoor public meeting place (Eg: ICT Pop-Up Urban Park, Bradley
* through email
* through mail
Compensation: A small prize will be offered
Interested? Contact the Inspyre Research Lab: inspyre@wichita.edu or call 978-6180
Shockers After Dark set for Sept. 13
Student Affairs invites students, faculty, and staff to Shockers After Dark from 8-10 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, on the first floor, Rhatigan Student Center, and Shocker Sports Grill and Lanes.
Come to the RSC for two hours of fantastic free fun! Activities include intuitive
readers, a poker tournament, gaming, BINGO, bowling, and karaoke. There will also
be free food and prizes. The first 150 attendees will receive a glow-in-the-dark T-shirt.
For more information, contact Student Affairs at 978-3021 or go to .
A Conversation with Schuyler Bailar
Spectrum LGBTQ & Allies and LGBTQ+ Shocker Ambassadors are co-sponsoring A Conversation
with Schuyler Bailar will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, in 265 RSC.
Since being recruited for the Harvard Men’s Swim team in 2015, Bailar has told his
story to audiences across the country in over 100 appearances, including on The Ellen
Show, The Olympic Channel, 60 Minutes, at the CIA, the NCAA and scores of conferences,
companies, and schools. His talk has inspired many to achieve their dreams while also
finding better comfort and grounding in who they are. For more information, contact
the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at 978-3034 or visit .
Join the couch to 5k training program with Campus Recreation
Campus Recreation is wanting to help those with little-to-no running experience prepare
for the upcoming 5k Pumpkin Run on Oct. 19.
This six-week plan includes three one-hour workouts per week at 3 p.m. Monday-Wednesday-Friday,
for six weeks. Training starts Monday, Sept. 9. Participants must be registered by
end of first week, Friday, Sept. 13.
Register in person at the Heskett Center Campus recreation desk. Cost is $25, and
includes your race registration.
A minimum of 10 people are needed for the program to run.
Consider joining Campus Recreation
More than a health club, Campus Recreation is a comprehensive fitness and wellness department focused on providing to you a variety of leisure experiences.
Click here for Campus Recreation membership information.
‘Euphoria’ by Giao Tang in Cadman Art Gallery
Giao Tang’s exhibit in Cadman Art Gallery is filled with colorful oil paintings that make up Euphoria. In the artists words, “Through colors and different canvases, the goal is to explore how different variables in life can affect our so-called ‘happiness’. This show is meant to challenge the context and meaning of what we would describe happy as: a color, an object, even a person in our lives. As its being challenged, works showcased are also meant to encourage the pursuit of happiness.”
Tang is a sophomore psychology major, and her exhibit is currently on display in the Cadman Art Gallery, RSC first floor, now through Friday, Sept. 13. The artist will hold a reception at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12.
To see the complete list of exhibits visit and follow us on Instagram.
Helping students with disabilities to graduate!
TRIO Disability Support Services is enrolling first-generation and limited-income students with disabilities for the academic year. Students may receive free tutoring, advising, scholarship opportunities, and other free resources to help students graduate.
Free Money Game Show today (Friday, Sept. 6)
WSU Shockers, come on down! SAC is bringing the Free Money Game Show to С9ֱ. Free Money Game Show combines Minute to Win It and Jeopardy games for the opportunity to win cash, gift cards, and other fantastic prizes.
Only WSU students with current WSU student ID are eligible to win. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. today (Friday, Sept. 6) in the CAC Theater. Cash or check only accepted at the door.
For more information about SAC-sponsored events, please visit or contact us at sac@wichita.edu.
#HurryToTheFurries help us help others!
An animal rescue group is headed to the Bahamas, and more supplies are needed. WSU
student Caymen Stockbauer will gather supplies during the day each weekday until Friday,
Sept. 13, on the first floor, RSC. Anything and everything helps!
Some of the supplies needed are dog leashes, collars, food, treats, blankets, water,
protein bars, etc.
Please, help donate!