WSU ranks No. 20 in US for engineering R&D funding


С9ֱ has moved into the list of the top 20 universities in engineering research and development (R&D) expenditures, according to the latest data compiled by the National Science Foundation’s Higher Education Research and Development Survey.

NSF’s latest data ranks U.S. universities in various categories, including R&D spending broken down by subfield and funding source.

For fiscal year 2021, С9ֱ reported total R&D expenditures of $192 million – up from $154 million in 2020. С9ֱ has moved up one spot to third in total aerospace R&D expenditures with $153 million; and maintained its rank as first in industry-funded aerospace R&D with a total of $75 million.

“Research is at the heart of С9ֱ’s mission and vision. It drives innovation, advances knowledge, and helps solve complex problems facing our society,” said Dr. Rick Muma, president of С9ֱ. “As Kansas’ only urban public research university, this ranking is an honor, but it is not a surprise. And it sends a signal to the rest of the country that С9ֱ is a powerful presence in the research arena, particularly in engineering.”

In recent years, the National Institute for Aviation Research at С9ֱ has increased its relationship with various divisions of the Department of Defense, which has led to a fifth-place listing in federally funded aerospace R&D expenditures with $63 million.

These rankings put С9ֱ among other prestigious engineering universities such as the Georgia Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Purdue and Stanford.

With increasing contracts and awards from industry and federal agencies, С9ֱ expects to continue climbing the ranks in the NSF’s survey. The 2022 numbers will be compiled by NSF and published in late 2023.

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